Merse Konkoly
graphic works
international wfea instructor
He is the founder of Arrowprints. He started equestrian archery as a child and toured the world with his Master Kassai lajos. During the travels he realized how important equestrian archery is to the world, how many people feel it as their own. He considers it important that equestrian archery be accessible to people through modern arts therefore He created Arrowprints to connect the ancient roots of equestrian archery with today's modern world through technology and art. Under the teaching of Master Kassai, Merse passed his master's degree in 2018 at the Kassai School in Hungary. Merse is one of the official international instructors at WFEA. He mostly holds training camps in North America and at illaberek. Online trainings have recently become popular and these sessions are available on our website. These opportunities allow anyone from anywhere in the world to participate in training, regardless of education. 
"As a member of the International Instructors of the Kassai Equestrian Archery School, I consider equestrian archery to be an unparalleled opportunity to get to know ourselves deeper through its martial art aspect, and I think its relevance to our cultural roots is unquestionable."
Anna konkoly-Pamuk
Riding instructor
equestrian culture instructor
environment researcher
Anna is the fairy of illaberek. She is the one who coordinates and holds things together, who can always be asked and who always knows exactly when to do what. She takes care of the proper physical and mental condition of the horses, trains and prepares them. She knows exactly what they need to be in great shape. As an environmental researcher, she is aware of what it takes to live in harmony with nature. She is an official equestrian trainer and also graduated as an equestrian culture instructor at the Hungarian University of Physical Education. One of the amazons of Hungarian equestrian archers.
Edina mráz
Edina is a concept in the field of equestrian photography in Hungary. Her photos seem to take some magic and they almost come to life in front of us.
„The camera has been my faithful companion for quite a few years now. The most important source of inspiration from the beginning has been given to me by horses. Their captivating nature, beauty, and intimacy of interacting with them is an eternal theme for me, both as a photographer and as a horseman. For a long time, I thought there was no other place in my photography besides nature and horses — until I became acquainted with the timeless, painting-like, clear world of fine art portraits. As much as I didn’t want to be photographed in a studio before, practicing this style lured me into the studio with the same force. These two themes, which are dear to my heart, resonate perfectly together for me, so today I am also working on "bringing the horse into the studio" and capturing the mystique of it’s being and it’ relationship with us in clear, timeless, classic portraits.”
Orsolya Csilléry
Graphic artist
Painter artist

I was born in Budapest, in an art-loving, civic family. I graduated from the School of Fine Arts of the Budapest University of image graphic faculty and from the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica in Venice, where I taught drawing and graphic techniques after graduation. It was then that I became interested in understanding the universal symbol system of art. How can my communication be conveyed in the most understandable way, in the fine language of art? I tried to turn my observations into analogies and put the messages of the starry sky at the service of pictorial expression. I want to tune the viewer with my pictures of landscapes and still lifes. As the creator of cave paintings: he knew that his paintings had the power to evoke that every brushstroke is a clue that triggers an indelible vibration in the world. The essence of my artistic creed is to become the mediator of organic culture by picking up the dropped thread, and to utilize man with the Almighty, using the enormous power of thoughts condensed into symbols.

Adam Müller
drawing artist
Tattoo artist
What this guy can do with pencil, needle and ink is insane! Brutally precise and realistic drawings step off the paper and tattoos come to life on the skin! Adam is a real polyhistor. He experiences his everyday life through art, so he almost constantly creates something.
"there is a feeling when time is running out. That's what I'm looking for through creation. After a while it bothered me to be able to manifest myself through so much of everything but then I thought about the people of ancient times. That's exactly what was needed. Only modern man became atomized.
It drives me to learn about the deepest / innermost levels of the arts so that I can be a creator of increasingly perfect spatial diagrams to be able to create something beyond myself that can help others and mean something for them. I think that's what creation means."
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