After taking off, I felt a bit like going home. Even the direction was right, but this plane have landed me at Halifax Airport in Nova Scotia. (New Scotland). This peninsula is a geographical curiosity in the Atlantic. To that end, I made the most cutting images here (link at the bottom of the post). The official WFEA competition track of International Judge Lance Bishop is located on the shores of the Bay of Fundy, and has an ocean view. The funnel-shaped bay continues to open through a narrow gorge into the interior of the peninsula, after the coastal copper mines it was called the Minas Basin by the French, who were the first colonizers of the area. In 1710, however, it came into British possession and the French were evacuated quite slowly until 1763. (Let’s not talk about what happened to the Indigenous Mi’kmaq Indians now, I think everyone can imagine). Nevertheless, the bay also retained its original French name, which means (fendu) fracture. The tidal range in Fundy Bay is the highest in the world, averaging 16 meters. There are half-day cycles, with 6 hours and 13 minutes elapsed between high tide and low tide. Due to the resulting tidal resonance, the tide flowing through the channel is very strong. In a 12-hour tidal cycle, about 100 billion tons of water flows in and out of the bay, which is twice the total water flow of all the world’s rivers over the same period. The tide is as strong as 25 million horses or as much as 9,000 electric locomotives. The coast of the Gulf of Fundy is a 250 million-year-old volcanic mountain formed in the Triassic (northern mountain). The tide drifts special shapes and fissures into the basalt rocks above the surface. The most famous phenomenon is “Cape Split”, which is clearly visible from the equestrian archery course. I could tell you a lot more about this place because the ones listed so far are only fragments of the natural wonders that are found on this special peninsula. Anyway, the recordings speak for themselves. Why am I saying all this? Before I arrived here, I had been researching the peninsula, so I “discovered” so many magical places and features that I partly reported on. Because of my vivid imagination and the nature of my activity and character, I think in pictures anyway. So the first day I told Lance I had a vision (“listen Lance I have a vision!”). With a completely resigned face, all he replied was, “Okay!”. And that's how we stayed. On Tuesday, he finally asked me what I was thinking. I wouldn't say more about that, just click on the link if you are interested in the end result:
It’s worth watching the short film first so that the sequel can be interpreted. This is now such an interactive report. So, the imagination. In truth, this is the capacity of the human mind that is most important to us in equestrian archery, but in relation to virtually any “training”. As we learned from the Master, Kassai Lajos, we need to put proper, correct pictures in our heads to be “picture-able” to perform any exercise. Otherwise, we are “imageless” for the task. Understanding this process usually opens a lot of doors in the direction of development. Yes, if I can say the worlds in Hungarian. But unfortunately I cannot tell the people here this in the English language (or French, German, etc.) is not fit to use such a complex metalepsis in a single word. In my experience, however, it can be shown. The artistic design of the Kassai-valley, the simple yet magnificent buildings and their layout, the fauna, the natural environment, etc. they do not primarily serve aesthetics, even if at the same time the sight is breathtaking. Something is always articulated in really beautiful things, it has meaning, something manifests itself through sight. These are such secret codes, even just in video games, that “Look! It's possible, too! And this too! ” Somehow this is how our world is built as a big-big “matrix”. These can be used, as any such “code” helping me to create the motivations in a group work to complete the training. After all, if I’m able to stimulate my mind a little bit all the time, it kind of opens up so I can put the images I need for the task in it. For this, I used the sandy shore of the Minas Basin during high tide, while doing the formal exercises of the Kassai Method (Original Kassai System), which is mostly about developing our imagination. It was my “vision” of the image in my head, which then came to life thanks to the diligence, endurance and openness of the camp participants. On the shreds of this thought, let us cling a little to the question of whether our ancestors approached this subject in a similar way for a few sentences. I mean, if we start only in the language segment of our culture, are that why the solutions are hidden in words (image, training, imagination, etc.)? And if so, can the training system of the Kassai School be called a tradition? That's what they say is a tricky question. I don't even dare to think about answering it. After all, this little lab experiment of ours did so well that in the 2nd race after the training camp, everyone shot their individual best score in the official competition, including me. Of course, during the 5-day camp, we worked on a lot of other things besides building the skills, but overall, the characteristics of the team paid off. Lance is surrounded by hardworking and kind people, to whom I thank again for their work. I am grateful for their friendships and many unforgettable experiences I have had at this enchanted place. I am grateful to my wife Anna, who supports her full width in my work and faces the challenges of everyday life on our farm alone while I am away. I am grateful to our Master Kassai Lajos for his support and guidance in allowing me to have these experiences.The biggest fights always start a few meters before the start of the course and end when we take our eyes off the target after the last arrow. It is independent of city, country and continent. These short time windows are suitable for gaining a deeper insight into ourselves. Thanks to so many fantastic people I don’t know how I deserved to be in my life, these insights are no longer so scary. So I have time to peacefully explore the giant snow-capped mountains, the endless green foliage of Washington, the bald eagles circling high above the glacial valleys of British Columbia, the lobster-fishing boats in the ocean, or which equator is finally pointing towards home.
Konkoly Merse
Illaberek, Hungary, 24/06/2022
The racetrack and its surroundings

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